Cutting Through Fate
UO Link slashing through enemies with the Laborious Sword and a classic OoT Hylian Shield!
Expression Sheet | UO Saria
I'm not sure why I never made expression sheets for my characters before, but it's a really fun way to...
Pre-Model Concept Art | Mimi 2025
I think I'm finally happy with Mimi (Seagull reboot). The lack of bangs just wasn't doing it for me. Originally...
RiftBorn Teal
Crea exploring a Rift as she stays in contact with the rest of WHOOKOS via GEAR.
Safe in the Canopy
Link and Saria sought refuge in a giant tree to escape pursuing enemies. Exhausted, they fell asleep side by side...
Pre-Model Concept Art | Swiff 2024
Got another pre-model concept art revision done! This one's for Swiff. I'm much happier with his proportions this time.
Skoot Bokken Burger
Felt like drawing some WHOOKOS promo art. Skoot likes burgers and fights with a bokken.
Pre-Model Concept Art 2024 | Crea
Got Crea here with updated proportions, as well as a pic showing the evolution of her design. That sleeveless hoodie...
Commission | DiggsXCherrina Carry
I got a commission request to draw Diggs carrying Cherrina!
Pre-Model Concept Art 2024 | UO Link
Another updated pre-model concept art! This one's for Link, who is about 5'7". See the FULL/UNCROPPED art on my Patreon!
Pre-Model Concept Art 2024 | UO Saria
An updated pre-model concept of Zelda UO Saria! She stands at about 5'5". See the FULL/UNCROPPED art on my Patreon!...
Pre-Model Concept Art 2024 | Skoot
Past pre-model concepts I drew had issues where even shorter characters still looked a bit tall. Reboot Skoot is supposed...
Commission – Post-Training Chill
Got another WHOOKOS related commission! Another fan OC (Seiko) and Skoot. Both are taking a break after a training session.
Commission – Mysterious Woods Stroll
Was commissioned by an old fan of WHOOKOS to draw this picture of their OC and Skoot as they explore...
Just some WHOOKOS promo art of Skoot and Crea. While I'm working on Zelda UO, I'm also tackling WHOOKOS.
Zelda UO | The Deku Trio Return
Link, Saria, and Diggs charge in to battle as the reboot for Zelda UO approaches fast!
Saria Sketch
Sketched Saria from Zelda Unknown Origins! Haven't draw on paper in a while.
Chronic Hazel | Protagonist Sketch (NoName)
He may have only been in one episode forever ago, but this is still the main character from the upcoming...
Zelda UO | Deku Trio Chill
This picture has been on my list for a while now. Always wanted to draw one of these shots with...
Zelda UO Art | Ambushed
Link and Saria wandered too far into the Lost Woods. They should have brought weapons, but they did not.
Zelda UO Art | Ocarina Lesson
Link struggles to learn how to play his ocarina. Saria is amused.
WHOOKOS Art | Quick Rest
While this picture may not make sense now, the WHOOKOS 1 reboot will make everything clear right from the beginning.
Pre-Model Concept Art | Valas
A pre-model concept for Valas. I was already satisfied with her character design, so she hasn't changed much since her...
Pre-Model Concept Art | Morel
This is the final pre-model concept art for the Kokiria forest residents. She's named after the eatable fungi, Morel. She's...
Pre-Model Concept Art | Açai
Here's another pre-model concept for the remaining Kokirians. Pronounced (ah-sigh-EE), this guy's named after the açai berry which comes from...
Pre-Model Concept Art | Orchid
Getting down to the last few Kokirians before finally having enough characters to fill the village! Here we have a...
Pre-Model Concept Art | Rela
Gotta keep these Zelda UO pre-model concepts coming. There are only a few more villagers and then that's gonna be...
Pre-Model Concept Art | UO Mido
Got UO Mido's pre-model concept done! The Kokirian villager models need to be finished before I can actually complete the...
Pre-Model Concept Art | UO KIA Bros
Got a pre-model concept for the Know It All brothers from OoT as villagers in Zelda UO's Kokiria forest.
Pre-Model Concept Art | UO Twins
Got a pre-model concept for the Twins from OoT as villagers in Zelda UO's Kokiria forest. I always thought it...
Pre-Model Concept Art | UO Fado
Got a pre-model concept for Fado from OoT as a villager in Zelda UO's Kokiria forest. Like most characters from...
Pre-Model Concept Art | Elenal
Here we have another new character for the WHOOKOS reboot! I don't really want to say much about her since...
Pre-Model Concept Art | Mimi
Seagull in the WHOOKOS reboot will have a name change because the nicknames everyone used in the old version have...
Pre-Model Concept Art | BB
Finally got some more of these to show off. BB has, more or less, remained unchanged since the old animations...
Exhausted Hero | UO Link
I need to start posting more pics like this with characters going through different scenarios. Here's Link after a rough...
Pre-Model Concept Art | Cherrina
So here's Cherrina's Pre-Model Concept! Not much has changed with her aside for some color changes.
Pre-Model Concept Art | Swiff
Pre-Model Concept | Swiff I did one of these Swiff pics in 2019, but I thought he was a little too...
Shard Hunting
While I work on the next Zelda UO animation, I'll do some smaller pieces every now and then. Here's a...
Crea Stretch
I drew Crea from the upcoming WHOOKOS reboot stretching. Had some fun with colors too.
Pre-Model Concept | UO Saria
Link's childhood friend returns in the reboot of Zelda UO! She's actually gone through a couple changes over the years....
Pre-Model Concept | Unknown
This unknown protagonist first appeared in A.E. Chronics, now called "Chronic Hazel", in 2014! Feels like forever ago. He's changed...
Pre-Model Concept | UO Redead
So since this is a pre-model concept for a UO Redead, it kinda reveals there's a redead in the next...
Pre-Model Concept | Diggs
It's amazing what a few hand wraps can do to a character's design! Ain't that right, Sonic?
Pre-Model Concept | Crea
A new character in the WHOOKOS reboot series, seen right from episode 1! I actually drew her a while ago...
Commission – Sara VS Maw
This scene is not available in the Spikerman demo yet, but you can still play it if you want!
Commission – Arunefall and Zero
This one was busy and I wasn't sure what the best way to present it was. If you wanna see the...
Commission – Hylian Sami
Was commissioned by an old friend back from the WHOOKOS era to draw them in BotW! Thanks for this one...
Happy Juice Tak
An old character I'll bring back somewhere down this rebooted series line. Ages ago, I'd hide "original OC doughnut steal"...
Some of the characters in the series reboots will look a little different compared to when I first posted the...
Commission – Daemory Tonaka
A dark forest scene with a resting hero alone in the woods.
C??a is one of a few new characters you'll see very early in the WHOOKOS series reboot.
Commissioned by KeyofTime15
I enjoy drawing Link inspired characters. Commissions still open if anyone's interested. Commission info found here:
QUICK PIC | Zelda UO Saria
Saria, from the upcoming series REBOOT for Zelda UO! If you haven't seen them yet, check out the original episodes re-uploaded...
QUICK PIC | Chronic Hazel (A.E. Chronics REBOOT)
QUICK PIC | Chronic Hazel (A.E. Chronics REBOOT) This series is the only one getting a name change. If you haven't...
Commission – High Kick Kali
I like when people are looking for a more specific pose. Always a fun challenge.
QUICK PIC | Skoot Burger
Gonna start posting those quick pics I talked about in my last update video! If you haven't watched it yet, check...
Commission – Back Alley Key
Was commissioned by a fan who wanted a piece for their high school graduation! This was a fun one.
Commissioned by Eclair – Peter
Not currently taking commissions. Eclair went out of town so they couldn't really message me regarding changes for a while....
QUICK PIC – WHOOKOS Reboot Coming Soon
Here's that quick pic from my recent video update! If you haven't watched the video yet, check it out here:
Rainbow Midna
Probably my favorite part of the Cyber Zelda commission I posted recently. This picture is 1920X1080 if anyone wants to...
Commission – Cyber Zelda
Futuristic, cyber punk, inspired Zelda characters: HyperLink | Sheikanator | VaaTi1000 | Rainbow Midna | Some Zora Rocker | GanonTron Commission...
Skoot Found A Shard
Finally got this one finished. Skoot from the WHOOKOS reboot holding a rare shard. These shards are an inadvertent reaction...
WHOOKOS Reboot Logo
Here's the WHOOKOS reboot logo. The shards are going to be a plot point in this reboot. Not necessarily the...
Commission – Absol
An interesting commission were Absol from Pokemon is the inspiration for this outfit.
Figured a profile picture update was overdue. It's been a while since I drew a picture of myself.
WHOOKOS Character Models | Preview
"Scott! Why aren't you working on YOUR content?!" Excellent question! The short answer is, I am! Here's a sneak preview...
Commission – Kol, Cait, Marcus
Was commissioned by XDarkPaladinX to draw their original characters! From left to right: Kol, Cait, Marcus Thanks again for commissioning me!
Zelda UO – Forest Temple
I always planned to have dungeons and temples in Zelda UO. Here's a pic of a future scene the series...
Commission – Spikerman Game Art
Twas commissioned by my friend Landon to make this pic for his game, which can be downloaded or played online...