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WHOOKOS Intro 2006

This was a short animation that was never going to be the intro to a series, but ended up being the intro to our very first website, which met its end around 2009. I had a few ideas when I was making this, but nothing really came out of them. There’s characters jumping from buildings, flying around, and a Dark Scoot character. Oh and I have no idea why T?????a was at the beginning of the animation. I mean I guess I do. I put him there… That’s it!

One thing I DO remember, is receiving comments when I first posted this saying things like “Anime is not United States”. Evidently, people were confused about the !US! Studios logo back then, which understandably confused viewers. !US! Studios (now !Us! Studios to help eliminate confusion) has nothing to do with United States. Sure, all the series are produced in the USA, and sure WHOOKOS takes place in the Rocky mountains, but that’s really about it.

NOTE: This intro animation does not reflect the final characters or story of the WHOOKOS series.

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