What is this place?

If you’re new here, welcome to my little corner of the internet! This is where I post my animations and artwork from various stories I’ve written from over the years. After a long hiatus, I have finally returned to reboot all of my old stories into fully fleshed out animated series!

Animated Series?

The three animated series I work on are WHOOKOS, Chronic Hazel, and Zelda UO, which is a parody fan-series. Even though all of my stories are drawn in a pseudo-anime style, each series has a very different tone than the last. From a slice of life shonen, to a dark post-apocalyptic world, to a video game parody, each series has something different to offer!

Wanna support my work?

For those who want to support my work, there’s exclusive content on my Patreon page, which I update weekly!

Click the button to check it out!

What else?

As I continue to work on rebooting my series, feel free to watch everything from the very beginning, all the way to now!

Short-term Goals

I’d like to have a consistent schedule for releasing animations. As I continue to produce more reboot animations, my speed will continue to increase until I have a steady schedule to adhere to.

Long-term Goals

“In the end, it doesn’t even matter”. As relieving as that is, my long-term goal is to create stories that inspire people to re-discover their fascination with the world, just like “when you were young”.